DeSal® & Stress Rx®

Proven Results on Turf Under Play Using a Two-Pronged Strategy

Targeting the Soil with DeSal
DeSal is a salinity and sodicity soil treatment that addresses the underlying problems in the soil. It’s the top performing product in this category.

1.Detox the Soil. 
Using our proprietary NuRelease™ technology, DeSal:

  • Dramatically reduces sodium and total salt concentrations in rootzones.
  • Helps move sodium and total salts out of the rootzone.
  • Releases calcium, critical to effective water and nutrient transport.
  • Helps correct nutrient deficiencies of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc.

Calcium released by DeSal in the rootzone has two functions. It displaces sodium on soil particles allowing the sodium to be more easily and economically flushed out. It also helps to supply the plant roots with calcium, which is known to improve salinity tolerance and protect plant cells.

2. Manage Calcium Better
Managing calcium is without question, the most important and most difficult nutrient element to manage for turf professionals dealing with salinity and sodicity issues. Among many other benefits that DeSal delivers is dramatically improved calcium availability and efficiency.

3. Correct Nutrient Deficiencies in Rootzone and Soil
We use to great advantage our NuRelease technology to target salinity-sodicity stresses. Our proprietary blend of natural compounds mimics the natural sequestering power of exudates produced by healthy roots and soil microbes. These help reduce sodium toxicity in the plant by making calcium, and also P, K, Mg, Mn, Fe, and Zn more plant available through the roots.

4. Improve Water Uptake


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Stress Rx®

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“We feel DeSal is making a critical difference.”

DeSal is Making a Critical Difference – A Testimonial

The Right Stuff® is great for all landscape and garden purposes – A Testimonial

“We have been using DeSal® (Ocean Organics) monthly at a 32oz per acre rate on our Poa greens for about nine months. We apply DeSal with Aquaduct (8 oz/1000). By far this is our best year for greens health, especially in terms of firmness of the putting surface.  We have poor quality water that is high in salts and bicarbs. In the past, we have had real issues with getting proper drainage. This resulted in wet and mushy greens following heavy watering. Our previous salinity management program consisted of gypsum and potassium (Andersons), as well as chelated calcium (Calflex and Aquaduct from Aquatrols). After adding DeSal to our program, we have had firmer and more even putting surfaces, lower soluble salt levels and no more black layer. We tank mix the DeSal in with the chelated calcium which works well. We feel DeSal is making a critical difference.”

Eric Boyd 
Ridgemark Golf and Country Club
Hollister, CA

Targeting the Plant with Stress Rx®

Detox and Strengthen the Plant
Stress Rx is an innovative foliar-applied fertilizer and osmoprotectant that significantly increases salinity stress tolerance in turfgrasses. Osmoprotectants are organic solutes that help plants maintain osmotic balance in their cells during salt stress and protect cells from water loss due to ion imbalances.

1. Sodium Toxicity = Calcium Deficiency
Just as sodium displaces calcium on soil particles and destroys soil structure it also displaces calcium in plant cell membranes making them leaky and compromised. When this happens, plants can’t effectively transport water and nutrients and photosynthesis degrades. Getting calcium into the plant is critical for turfgrass survival under these conditions. Stress Rx gets calcium and also potassium into plant cells.

2. Protect Osmotic Balance
Stress Rx contains unique osmoprotectants in a proprietary formulation that help plants subjected to salinity stress maintain osmotic balance and cell membrane integrity without disrupting enzyme (essential for survival) activity. One of our key osmoprotectants is glycinebetaine.

3. Salinity Solutions from Sea Plants
Betaines, including glycinebetaine, are among the many unique constituents in the seaplants we harvest and process. (Betaines are one of the reasons seaweeds not only survive but flourish in salt water.) We increase our glycinbetaine concentrations by using other natural sources.

  • Glycinebetaine has been shown to maintain the activity of enzymes in a wide variety of plants under a wide variety of unfavorable conditions including high temperature, extremes of pH, and high salt concentrations.
  • Our research at Rutgers University shows that salt-stressed turf accumulates glycinebetaine when our proprietary foliar materials are applied and that they help maintain osmotic balance.
  • The rate of net photosynthesis in salt-stressed plants has also been shown to increase.
DeSal® and Stress Rx® Research Results

The Salinity Solution

DeSal® & Stress Rx®

Science-Based Sustainable Solutions to Salinity and Sodicity

Talk’s Cheap. Research Isn’t

Stress Rx® and DeSal® and have been tested by Rutgers University and Virginia Tech as well as independent field researchers. The following statements are printed with permission of The Corral de Tierra Country Club, The Shadow Hills Golf Club and The Hi-Lo Golf Course Superintendents Association Research Committee.

1. “DeSal® (NB36820) was the top performing salt management product out of 7 programs in a replicated field trial conducted by Mark M. Mahady & Associates, Inc. on the Poa annua chipping green at Corral de Tierra Country Club near Monterey, California.”

2. “In a replicated field trial funded by the Hi-Lo GCSA Research Committee and conducted by Mark M. Mahady & Associates, Inc. on fairways at the Shadow Hills Golf Club (Indio, CA), DeSal® (NB36820) exhibited the greatest change in the concentration of critical salt management components* out of 9 programs tested…”

*Including EC, soluble salts, exchangeable sodium, extractable sodium, and extractable chloride.

DeSal® and Stress Rx® Usage Guidelines

The Salinity Solution™

DeSal® & Stress Rx®

DeSal® Usage Guidelines

DeSal® is a proprietary soil conditioner. DeSal reduces sodium and total salt concentrations in soils, helps move sodium and total salts out of the root zone, reduces the negative effects of sodium and total salts on soils and plants, and releases calcium in the soil.

On turfgrasses, as a treatment for saline and/or sodic soils: Apply 24 oz. per acre (0.5 oz. per 1000 ft2) every 21 days. Following treatment, apply adequate irrigation to wash product from leaf surfaces into the soil. Follow with a flushing irrigation appropriate for the soil type within 24 hours. 

DeSal maybe applied with irrigation water or in combination with fertigation.

For best results, initiate the application program before sodium and total salt levels increase to unacceptable levels. To enhance movement of salts away from the root zone and reduce localized dry spots (LDS), tank mix with a wetting agent (penetrant) at recommended label rates. Follow post-treatment irrigation recommendations.


Stress Rx® Usage Guidelines

Stress Rx® is an innovative foliar-applied fertilizer that boosts salinity stress tolerance in turfgrasses and plants. It contains unique osmoprotectants in a proprietary formulation that help plants subjected to salinity stress maintain osmotic balance and cell membrane integrity. It corrects nutrient deficiencies common to salt-stressed plants and helps strengthen plants under a variety of stresses.

Application Guidelines 
Apply 6 oz per 1000 ft2 every 21 days. Apply in the early morning or late afternoon for best results. Use a spray adjuvant for superior coverage. Allow foliar product to dry on plant prior to irrigation.

Call Ocean Organics for more information at 800-628-GROW (4769).